
September 8, 2007

You see only the obvious. You think that I change rapidly, my moods expanding and contracting according to the ambient temperature.  Maybe I am volatile. I can’t really deny that. Watch out for me, especially when the temperature rises. I’m a conductor, after all. It’s hard not to react when electricity all around moves through me. I can be dangerous, toxic even, but I’ve never tried to hide that. I’ve told you to handle me with care. Make sure you approach me only where there is room and air to breathe. You’ve already decided that if you let me spill over into the other parts of your life, I may pollute them. I may be poison.

There’s more to me than what you see, though. Do you know how strong I am? Being malleable does not mean that I am easily pushed around.  The fact that I can take change in stride is actually a sign of essential stability. Do you realize how easily and effectively I work with others? I bond with them, I take on their best qualities, and I add mine to them. That is strength, too. Don’t be fooled by my bright and shiny appearance, how easily and gracefully I seem to flow from one situation to the next, how I seem to produce my own cheerful light as I do so. I may dazzle, but it’s not all superficial. Admire me, watch me move, listen to what I’m telling you about the heat you produce in and around me. You won’t keep me still, though. Containing me is fraught with peril. Don’t even try.

10 Responses to “Mercury”

  1. miles away Says:

    there’s definitely something in the way that mercury moves whilst contained in a bulb, under water, or in a clear container…a rather menacing yet shiny movement, which has been rather captured here, in words, once more. rather lovely!

  2. bohemienne Says:

    Oh, thank you, Miles. I’m afraid that when someone described me as mercurial, I couldn’t help but explore all of the ramifications, rather than just the obvious ones.

  3. quick Says:

    Have you seen Miro’s mercury fountain? Initially it looked like water. Amazing enough, then it got better as the realisation dawned.

    Does mercury really have all the qualities you describe here? Bloody intriguing stuff.

  4. drodbar Says:

    Nice one, Bohemienne.

  5. bohemienne Says:

    Hey Quick — Yes, it does have those qualities, but I suspect I may have played fast and loose with interpreting them for my own purposes. That’s the kind of thing I do. Being mercurial and all. 🙂

    Thanks, Drodbar! Drodbar sounds like it should be some other word backwards, so each time I see it, my mind says “Rabdord?”. Then I laugh at my mind. Stupid mind.

  6. drodbar Says:

    Re my name – yes, it does rather sound like that, now you come to mention it, doesn’t it? But no, I am named after the inventor of the bandanbladderstiddle (obscure reference, I shall say no more). And many thanks for including Solipsist in your Blogroll.

  7. bohemienne Says:

    Oh goodness, Drobar… now I must go off and google your reference.

    Thanks, Nimbus!

  8. Melissa Says:

    “The fact that I can take change in stride is actually a sign of essential stability … That is strength, too. Don’t be fooled by my bright and shiny appearance, how easily and gracefully I seem to flow from one situation to the next, how I seem to produce my own cheerful light as I do so. I may dazzle, but it’s not all superficial.”

    My new motto. May be a bit long, but I love every single word.

  9. bohemienne Says:

    Thank you so much, Melissa, I’m glad you found something to relate to there, and I’m glad you visited.

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